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Welcome to The The most complete, legal website in the Netherlands.

Legal sources
Direct links to all websites containing Dutch legal news, legislation, case law (jurisprudence), magazines, law firms, laywers, notary public, legal job positions, extracts, summaries and other legal material. And all this for free, with no subscription or registration required thanks to our advertisers.

Legal aid and assistance
Also if you are looking for legal Dutch help or advice you have come to the right place. Our database contains thousands of links and addresses of lawyers, notaries, law shops and more.

Legal Jobs
Especially for law students and lawyers, we have a list of all Dutch law offices, placement agencies and recruiters you can find the latest and newest legal vacancies and job opportunities.

Legal news
The most recent legal news on each jurisdiction and specialization. Also referrals and links to legal newsletters, blogs and subscriptions.
Legal laws and regulations
The major national and international laws, treaties, ordinances and other rules.
Legal activities
Legal events agenda: All data and information of legal conferences, seminars, open days, courses, workshops and legal business days.
Legal publications and articles
Juridische Legal publications and articles by jurisdiction.
Writing final papers and thesis
Information and practical tips on writing a thesis or legal paper. Referrals and links to legal sources? Thesis awards and links for help on writing a final paper.
Summaries and abstracts of legal courses
Links for law students to legal summaries of the Dutch law and study courses. Legal abstracts, summaries, case lists and stamp lists for law schools
Old exams and exercises of legal courses
Exercise material to prepare for written and oral Dutch law exams and examinations in law (rights). Practice exams, old exams, sample exams and other exercises to prepare.
Legal dictionaries. Find the meaning or translation of a Dutch legal word
Legal dictionaries. Check a legal dictionary. Find the meaning of a legal word or phrase. Very handy for law students at a Dutch law school.
study tips for law school
Improve your focus and concentration (training). Train your memory. Learn to write and study better. Study tips for getting better academic results during law school.
better results for law study with a tutor.
Need help during your studies in order to get an exam? Take a tutor or study coach! Check our list of coaches and teachers that can help you finishing law school.
rechtspraak (jurisprudentie). Arresten, vonnissen, voorlopige voorzieningen en juridische belissingen van rechters.
Dutch jurisprudencefrom the Dutch supreme court, federal courts and lower judges. Links to European and International case law, jurisprudence and arbitration.
legal newspapers, magazines and subscriptions
Scientific, legal newspapers, magazines and other subscriptions.
Finding a Dutch lawyer of law firm in the Netherlands?
Everything to know regarding Dutch lawfirms, lawyers and advocates. Links to law firms, legal conferences, seminars and office visits. Information on becoming a lawyer, the Lawyers Association (Dutch Bar Association), wage levels and more.
Dutch patent office and attorneys in the Netherlands for patent protection
Dutch patent office or patent attorney? Are you looking for a Dutch patent attorney or specialist in the Neterlands to protect your invention? Register a patent (octrooi) through a patent office. Patent attorneys assist in registering your invention through patent registration.
Dutch trademark office or trademark attorney
Dutch trademark office or trademark attorney. Are you looking for expert advice on trademark protection in the Netherlands or in Europe? A specialised trademark attorney can help you protect and register your trademark, brandname, company name or logo.
Juridische vacatures (ook bijbanen), juridisch werk, bijbaan, stage, vacatures in het recht.
All legal jobs, internships and student jobs. Are you looking for a new legal job, legal or judicial internship or a part-time job? here you will find links to all jobs and openings in the legal profession, law, business and government in the Netherlands. Links to Dutch faculties and also recruitment centers where you can find current internships.
specialist for filing lawsuits based on personal injury claims.
Personal injury claim? Need Dutch legal advice as a victim of serious injury to file a legal claim (lawsuit) and request compensation in the Netherlands. Get a high compensation for your expenses (compensatory damages and punitive damges) using a personal injury specialist.
legal books, law text books online order and buy
Looking for legal books? Online text law books. Order and buy from these online bookshops. Also for selling used legal books.
extra curricular activities and legal futurnities and associations
Looking for some extra curricular activities next to the law study to improve your cv or grant legal experience. Or become member of a professional furturnity specialised in specific law area. See these Dutch legal futurnities and associations.
legal masters in the Netherlands
What legal master will you follow after your bachelor? All Legal postgraduate courses and legal master studies in the Netherlands
Studying abroad. Follow a legal study abroad in another country
Studying abroad.Follow a legal study abroad in another country outside the Netherlands. Or do an legal internship within an foreign organisation?
free legal aid, help or assistance and list of Dutch legal insurance companies
Need legal aid, help or assistance? Free or affordable (cheap) legal advice in the Netherlands regarding Dutch laws and regulations? Require a legal opinion or advice trough the legal social services that are available. Find the answers to all your legal questions. Also we have listed the Dutch legal insurance companies.
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